Performance Coaches

Don’t be afraid to push yourself. You’re stronger than you think.
— Cheryl Scigousky

Cheryl Scigousky

Cheryl is the founder of Ascend Training and Racing. Cheryl works with all age groups and abilities - from beginning level training to advanced competition.

Cheryl has been a USA Triathlon Coach since 2005 and an Ace Personal Trainer since 2004. She has competed in running races as well as triathlons of all distances, including the following:

World Championships

140.6 Ironman
70.3 Ironman
ITU Off-road triathlon
Olympic distance
Sprint distance

She has qualified multiple times for the Boston Marathon. All of that said, Cheryl understands how intimidating it can be to start out on this journey. When she committed to her first triathlon, which she did as a mother of 3 young children, she was unable to swim one length in the pool. As a testament to hard work, perseverance, and determination, she reached her goals and the finish lines. All of the this personal experience helped to manifest her strong desire to help others achieve the “impossible” too. She looks forward to working with you and your customized program to reveal the confidence and ability you already have, to conquer your first race or next race.

Life Motto
Play and laugh everyday.

“I feel a rush after most workouts, but the ones that I love best are the ones where I challenge my mind and conquer something that scares me.”